Meet the Board of Directors and the Executive Team of DHIndia Association who are leading the change in Healthcare Industry in India

Dr. Uma Nambiar brings to the board of DHIndia Association her strategic insights in defining healthcare policy, commissioning new hospitals, re-engineering and turning around existing hospitals to deliver ROI and improved efficiencies of operations. As part of her work she also works as the Special Advisor to the Minister of Health, Djibouti.
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Dr Pramod D. Jacob (MBBS, MS – Medical Informatics)
After completing his medical degree from CMC Vellore and doing his Master of Science in Medical Informatics from Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) in the US, Dr Pramod worked in the EMR division of Epic Systems, USA and was the Clinical Systems Project Manager in Multnomah County, Portland, Oregon. He has been a Healthcare Information Technology consultant to Benton County, Oregon and Santa Cruz County, California.
In 2007 he relocated to India and did consultancy work for the state governments of Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh. He was a member of the HIMSS Global EHR Task Force and the lead for India in the task force. He was also a consultant for WHO India in the IDSP project and for PHFI for a mhealth Non-Communicable Diseases Decision Support Application- mWellcare.
At present he is the CEO of DHIndia and the Medical Director of dWise Healthcare IT Solutions, involved in the designing and implementation of Clinical Information Systems and the EHR for the company. He is a member of the EHR/ HIT standards committee of India under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and a member of the ISO-TC 215 international health informatics committee for these standards. He is also a consultant for EHA and CMAI mission hospitals going digital.
Email me: [email protected]

CFO, Board of Directors
CFO, Digital Health India Association
Email me: [email protected]
Director, Board of Directors
Senior Research Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health India & Secretary, Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics
Oommen John is an Internist, specialized in Internal Medicine from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and an Executive MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.
He has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing health systems strengthening interventions and health management information systems. He leads a number of innovative public health interventions in low and middle-income country settings. His interests and expertise are in areas of applying design thinking, developing and evaluating digital health interventions for health systems strengthening in the LMIC settings.
He has worked with the WHO, leading the implementation of a large vaccine development project and information systems based monitoring for data and quality tracking system. He has also served on the WHO Digital Health Guidelines Development Group.
He serves on the International Advisory Board of the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health, Scientific Advisory Board of Foundation for Innovative Diagnostics, Geneva. He is a member of the technical advisory group of Health Informatics Sectional Committee at the Bureau of Indian Standards. He is also a member of the working group on Telehealth at the International Association for Medical Informatics and the ITU WHO Focus group on AI for Health.
Email me: [email protected]

Director, Board of Directors
Author, Entrepreneur and Surgeon. Dr. Gogia is also part of the Telemedicine Workgroup at IMIA. Dr. Gogia is the President at SATHI & the Founder Member of IAHSI. His specialties include, Medical Informatics, Telemedicine, Managing Social Organizations, Plastic Surgery, Biomedical Engineeering
Email me: [email protected]
Director, Board of Directors
Dr. Prajeesh works as a domain consultant with a leading Indian IT company.
Email me: [email protected]